πŸ“§Email Verification

Email verification plays a crucial role in user authentication during the sign-up or sign-in process of various applications. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of testing email verification using GPT Driver

Step 1: Writing your test prompts

  • The first step involves creating prompts to command GPT Driver to extract the verification link from an email and open it. Please note that this will only work using the email address test@mobileboost.io. If you need to use unique email addresses for each test run, you can format them as test+{{timestamp}}@mobileboost.io. This ensures that GPT Driver has access to the verification email. An example of a completed email verification test prompt would look like this:

1. Tap sign in
2. Verify email test+1234567@mobileboost.io and extract link with pattern "https://xxxxxx.com/m/app/login"
3. Open remembered link from the email verification step
4. Complete the test

Step 2: Essential Verification Steps

  • The core of the email verification process consists of two essential steps:

  1. Verify Email and Extract the Link with a Pattern: In this step, GPT Driver extracts the URL from the verification link. This is a crucial part of the process as it enables the system to access the verification link.

  2. Open the Remembered Link: GPT Driver, instructed to work behind the scenes, opens the extracted link. This step occurs seamlessly without any user intervention.

Step 3: Finalizing the Verification

  • Once the steps are completed, the app's home screen or onboarding flow will now be accessible since the email verification was successful.

Step 4: Customization for Your Tests

  • Feel free to adapt the provided prompt according to your specific testing requirements. GPT Driver's flexibility allows you to tailor the process to suit your needs.

Email verification is a crucial aspect of user authentication, and with the assistance of GPT Driver, this process can be tested seamlessly. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively handle email verification in various testing scenarios, especially those involving sign-up or sign-in processes.

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