Getting Started

What's the difference between executing a test in the Test Editor and the Test Overview Section?

Running Tests:

  • Test Editor: Focuses on validating the individual Test Prompt itself, ensuring it functions as intended.

  • Test Overview: Designed to comprehensively evaluate the app's functionality based on the defined prompts.

Test Reports: These detailed reports are only generated when tests are executed directly from the Test Overview or API. This ensures a clear record of the app's behavior during a complete test run.

Using the Tool

Is it possible to use the remember feature for multiple values?

Absolutely! You can instruct the tool to remember various details encountered during the test. Here's an example:

  1. Remember the voucher code displayed on the screen, as well as the expiry date.

  2. ...

  3. ...

  4. Check that the Voucher code and expiry date displayed on the screen matches the same from Step 1

Is there an automatic reset app function?

The app automatically resets before each new test run triggered from the Test Overview or API.

Test Creation and Functionality

Do you offer a version of the product for web applications or plan to offer this functionality in the future?

Yes, we provide support for web application testing and plan to further enhance this functionality in future updates. Specifically:

  • Testing web applications is straightforward with our current support for Chrome and Safari within emulated devices. This is particularly useful if your web traffic mainly originates from mobile devices, as these browsers are often the most crucial for testing in such cases.

  • For those with significant desktop web traffic, configuring an iPad or Tablet device in landscape mode is recommended. This setup offers a viewport and resolution similar to popular laptops, providing an effective temporary solution.

  • Looking ahead to Q3 (2024), we're excited to introduce advanced desktop web testing. This upcoming feature will expand your testing capabilities to include any type of browser or desktop configuration, such as Firefox and different versions.

  • Furthermore, advanced web testing will be compatible with BrowserStack, offering even more versatility for your testing needs.

Can I use the same test script for both iOS and Android apps if their interfaces look similar?

Yes, in many cases! If the visual layout (buttons, menus, etc.) of your iOS and Android apps is identical, you can define a single test script and run it on both platforms. This saves time and effort in test creation.

Can I simulate an offline environment (no internet connection) during testing?

Absolutely! GPT Driver grants complete control over the device's settings. This allows you to:

  • Set Flight Mode: Simulate a complete disconnect from the internet for basic testing.

  • Advanced Scenarios (Optional): We offer more intricate testing options like simulating flaky or slow internet connections. If you're interested in exploring these functionalities, feel free to inquire further.

Can I manipulate the device's location during testing (set and change GPS coordinates)?

Yes, you have full control over GPS! Our tool allows you to:

  • Set Custom Coordinates: Define specific locations for your test by entering desired latitude and longitude values.

  • Dynamic Location Changes: You can even modify the GPS coordinates throughout the test to simulate real-world movement scenarios.

Can test manipulate 2D (map) or 3D (polygonal model) views?

Our tool allows you to simulate various user interactions:

  • Common Gestures: Perform actions like:

    • Drag with 1 or 2 fingers: Useful for scrolling, swiping, or rearranging elements.

    • Tap on a specific area/coordinate: Precisely target buttons, menu items, or other interactive elements.

    • Long press: Activate features requiring a sustained touch, such as opening context menus.

  • Object Recognition: The tool can interact with elements it visually recognizes. You can also define custom templates to teach the tool how to handle unique objects. For example:

    • Scenario: Imagine a login screen with a button labeled "Login" but the text might change based on language settings.

    • Solution: You can create a template based on the button's visual appearance (color, shape, location) instead of relying solely on text recognition. This allows the tool to consistently interact with the button regardless of the displayed text.

Important Note: Frame rate limitations exist. While the tool can handle most interactions, it may not be suitable for scenarios requiring lightning-fast reactions like fast-paced games.

Tailored Support: We recommend discussing your specific test cases to determine the best approach for your needs. This will ensure the tool effectively meets your requirements.

Can I test features that require direct device access, like fingerprint scanning, document upload, or camera usage?

Yes, the tool supports testing various native functionalities:

  • Biometric Authentication: Simulate successful or failed fingerprint scans (or other biometric methods) as part of your test.

  • Document Uploads: Integrate uploading documents during the test process.

  • Camera Access: The tool currently allows camera activation. We're actively developing a feature (custom image injection) to enable more advanced camera interaction within tests (planned for this quarter).

Technical Details and Support

Can the tool directly modify settings on both Android and iOS devices during testing?

While the tool itself cannot directly change device settings, it offers functionalities to interact with these settings indirectly. This allows you to simulate specific scenarios within your tests.

Need help with example prompts? Our support team is happy to assist! Feel free to reach out to us on Slack or via Email for further guidance.

Which languages can the tool recognize visually within the app interface?

Our tool supports visual detection for a comprehensive list of languages. To explore the full list of supported languages, please refer to the following resource here.

How is my data used and protected?

We prioritize your privacy. Our models are designed to be stateless, meaning data used during testing does not influence future behavior or system improvement.

  • Data Confidentiality: We treat your information with the utmost care and confidentiality.

  • Secure Infrastructure: Our models are hosted on Microsoft's secure infrastructure, ensuring robust protection for your data.

How can I delete a previous version of a build file that I uploaded?

Currently, deleting older build file versions directly within the tool is not available. However, our support team is happy to assist you with this process.

Please feel free to contact us via Slack or Email.

We'll be happy to help you delete the specific build file version you require.

Can I run multiple test cases from the same suite simultaneously to speed up testing?

Yes, our platform supports parallel execution of test suites! This means you can run several test cases at once on available devices, significantly reducing the overall test suite execution time.

  • Default Setting: By default, the system allows parallel execution with one test case running at a time.

  • Increased Speed: Depending on your plan, you can configure the platform to run multiple test cases simultaneously, further accelerating the testing process.

Additional Options: We're committed to continuous improvement. If you require even faster execution through additional parallel runs, feel free to discuss your needs with our team.

If you have further questions or require additional information, feel free to reach out to us via Slack or Email.

Last updated