Upload builds

Upload new builds of your mobile app to the GPT Driver platform.

Prepare your build file


We requires the .apk file for your app.

Android Studio

Select Build -> Build APK(s) -> Build APK(s) or Build -> Generated Signed APK (and following the prompts)

Once the build is complete you can locate the .apk file by selecting locate in the dialog that appears or by navigating to

{project name}/{app module name}/build/outputs/apk/


Generate your build with gradle by running the assemble command for your preferred app build variant e.g. debug variant

./gradlew assembleDebug

Once the build is complete you can locate the .apk file by navigating to

{project name}/{app module name}/build/outputs/apk/

We requires a .zip or .tar.gz file containing your compressed .app bundle.


The easiest way to get the iOS Simulator build is to run and build your application in Xcode while targeting an iOS Simulator. Once the build is complete and the app is running in the simulator, you can locate the .app file by navigating to Product -> Show Build Folder in Finder -> Products/Debug-iphonesimulator

Once you have located your .app file, we require it to be in a compressed zip or tar.gz file. You can achieve this with the following command

zip -r {app name}.zip {app name}.app

Xcode Command Line Tools

You can also generate the iOS Simulator build of your app by building it directly via the command line using xcodebuild.

With .xcodeproj

xcodebuild -project '{project_name}.xcodeproj' \
 -scheme '{scheme_name}' \
 -sdk iphonesimulator \
 -configuration Debug

With .xcworkspace

xcodebuild -workspace '{your_workspace_name}.xcworkspace' \
 -scheme '{scheme_name}' \ 
 -sdk iphonesimulator \
 -configuration Debug

The app file can then be found under


Once you have located your .app file, we require it to be in a compressed zip or tar.gz file. You can achieve this with the following command

zip -r {app name}.zip {app name}.app

Upload build to GPT Driver

To make your build file available on GPT Driver, you will need to upload it. This can be done via the Web Interface or via our API. We also offer examples for all common CI/CD systems.

Last updated